Safety on the streets – Anti-Social Behaviour


Anti-Social Behaviour – Safety on the streets & within our communities.

Preventative & Awareness Building

The Problem

  • Lack of understanding in regard to violence and its impact on self and others
  • ASB & neighbourhood crime increasing
  • Lack of knowledge on the impact of vehicle related crime
  • Increased risk of knife related incidents
  • Being accountable and having ownership to actions
  • Lack of awareness in 3P’s – Protection; Participation and Prevention around ASB
  • Lack of understanding in diversity linked with ASB

What we will Offer

  • Group Workshops: aimed at challenging the perceptions of street life, gang mentality and violence to educate, challenge, and inspire young people to become positive role models with regards to ASB within schools, homes, friendships, and their communities.
  • 1:1 Mentoring Sessions: children chosen for this will have sessions focused on challenging street mentality, respect of themselves and the community around them. A more in-depth challenge of the barriers they present, and risks associated with criminality and violence


In our workshops, young people will learn the skills, a greater knowledge and better awareness to staying and keeping safe in their school and community whilst learning about the 3P’s to help reduce violence and other anti-social behaviour to assist in reducing criminality. You will have 2 mentors.


These workshops are for young people in selected 45 Primary and Secondary schools from Year 5 up to Year 9 that are affected by or invested in making change around anti-social behaviour and/or criminality.

We can deliver to:

  • All young people from these year groups
  • A selected group from across the years from teachers or professionals
  • A pre-selected range of primary and secondary schools
  • Young people on the periphery YJS or taking part in low level ASB would be suitable

We can accommodate up to 10 max young people in each workshop for the 3 weeks.

When and How

  • These workshops will be run over 3 consecutive weeks in the school term at the same time each week.
  • Each workshop is 2-3 hours long.
  • Either on a Monday 12-3pm or a Wednesday 9- 12pm.
  • Bookings for anytime in 3-week blocks from week commencing August 2023 until early 2024.

We will need access to your IT facilities (Wi-Fi) within the school to deliver the workshop plus enough space to sit around a table for discussions, scenarios, and role plays.

Bookings for this workshop on anti-social behaviour – safety on the streets & within our communities are taken from November 21st, 2022, from selected schools – get in touch


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