
As a mother of a son raised by an abusive father both to myself and him it was such a relief to leave and enter a refuge, however with this came many trials, one which was teaching my son respect, the right way to think and installing good moral values in him.

I found him extremely challenging as he was rebelling against a restrictive life. We were offered iprovefit and he was paired up with Jerel to mentor him, within weeks he became more positive and was thinking in a much more positive manner.

He changed his friendship circle and took the advice. Weekly he would look forward to the sessions and as time went on he became more responsive towards me started opening up and expressing emotion which had been repressed for years.

Iprovefit offer a service which i believe is very beneficial and the mentors take time to learn the individual child’s interests and treat them all as individuals not just a case. My son has benefited immensely and also myself as on several occasions i myself have been relieved to have advice from the mentor and support in difficult situations that i would not have handled very well.

His mentor also stood in several times acting as a safe advocate removing him from difficult unnecessary situations and acted on his and my behalf to avoid conflict. Iprovefit offer support guidance and a mentoring programme which i would recommend to anyone needing help with a child who needs help.